Mommy has been thinking about all the things I want to say to you for a few weeks now. All the things I want you to make sure you hear when you are older and can comprehend all I have to say. I know I am forgetful and I mostly live in the now and I know when you are 10 and amazing me with all of your cool skills, I won't remember all the words and feelings I have now.
You are so loved! You are our first born and when you grew in my womb, you gave me purpose like nothing has before. A God given purpose and so I know it is of great importance. People say you look like a replica of me and I beam with pride. Because I see you as perfect! The thing is you are a much greater version of me, you radiate such joy and love. You have from day one. We were so amazed by you, and the amount of love we felt could not possibly be put in words.
Lottie, I want you to know that even though at 4 months the doctors said you were developing differently then the average baby, it did not change you or our love for you. Yes, Daddy and I got caught up in what ifs and a search for a diagnosis and we had some very scary weeks, but one thing always remained, you are our girl and you are our purpose.
So, we got a diagnosis, a label for some of the more challenging things you will face. Cerebral Palsy. It means nothing when describing you. It's a couple words that simply mean that while you were perfectly forming in my womb, your brain was injured and it affects your motor planning. As you will know by the time you read this, certain things are more difficult for you. Right now it's standing and talking and eating without your fingers in your mouth. (Which by the way is pretty cute.) In the past it was holding your head up or sitting or crawling but you mastered them all as I expect you will your current goals and what ever challenges lie ahead of you. And I know one thing more, you will do it with joy and love beaming out of every bit of you.
There is something really special about the way you interact with people. Grown ups and kids alike. You put people at ease and you let everyone know you love them. It does not surprise me one bit that you use the little muscle tone you have to give the best bear hugs!! I watch you with your peers and although you can't talk to them, they are drawn to you. Oh my pretty girl, it is so easy to be drawn to you.
You already know how to please your toddler boyfriends by laughing at their toddler shenanigans. Actually this works with your brother too!
I know these things are what makes you, you. I know this because I see it everyday and I know it because your MRI shows that the part of the brain that controls personality is completely intact. So Lottie Lou Mae, you are genuinely the precious, easygoing, people pleasing, sometimes stubborn toddler that you present to us. And I am so lucky to get to call you mine!
When you speak my name (mama) I know that it takes a lot of work and I feel incredibly honored. When you reach up for me, I know it is a very complicated process and I feel very proud. When you sign "more" or "all done" I know that these are intricate fine motor movements that require your brain and your hands to work together properly when your brain isn't wires for that. In those moments I feel awe.
You are incredible my sweet girl and I can not wait to watch you grow and flourish and make me proud and honored and awe stricken everyday. Always know that Mommy loves YOU! And that you and your brother will always be my greatest purpose.