Last Sunday an Amazon package arrived on my porch. I ripped it open and was ready to take on the world with all the extra steps I was going to take. But for the next few days it turns out that I was much more interested in the amount of deep sleep I wasn't getting and barely paid attention to the pesky step counter also on the app.
That all changed last night when my Brother in Law challenged me to a Step Duel. You see, my brother in law is very competitive and so am I and I really like to beat him in games (which doesn't happen often.) I accepted the duel knowing that the likelihood of my beating him was slim to none but I was up for a challenge.
This morning I woke up, plugged in my UP and noticed that dear brother in law was already 1,200 steps ahead of me. I jumped out of bed and started frantically moving. I took extra steps up and down the stairs, I loaded the laundry, I walked in place and I even took the trash out. Still I was trailing significantly. So at 9am I pulled out the double stroller and took the kids for a 30 minute walk. When we returned I was so excited to plug my tracker in and see how much butt I was kicking. It said I added 386 steps... What!?! I knew something was off and googled long enough to find out that pushing a stroller throws the count off. Phew! Around lunch time I noticed I had jumped ahead of him by 1 step... Those 5 minutes were glorious until he updated and was suddenly like 500 steps ahead of me again. All day today I have been trying to move and move and I still am 1,488 steps behind. But the challenge continues tomorrow and I plan on a walk minus the stroller.
Meanwhile, in Lottie's world, all was well because we went to Nana's house. And there is always treats at Nana's house. And this day did not disappoint. My mom and Lottie made cupcakes and I know after dinner my mom gave her one. I wasn't in the room but judging by the bath after I assume she devoured it as usual. About an hour later the adults were eating dinner and Lottie was eyeing my cupcake. So I jokingly told her if she crawled to me I would give her another cupcake. This is when something amazing happened. Charlotte started attempting to crawl towards me. She was very slow and it took her a long time to figure it out, but she army crawled a few inches at a time until she got to the cupcake. Of course after giving her a bite we would move the cupcake farther away. And each time she would shove her body forward inch by inch to where the cupcake sat. She ended up crawling forward at least two feet! It was an amazing victory for us and for her. This is the first time we have seen her crawl forward and only days after a devastating diagnosis.
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