Tuesday, October 20, 2015

My Max Turns One


In a little over an hour my son will be turning one. My mind can not fully understand how this happened so quickly. I know, I generally use this blog to talk about Charlotte and special needs parenting but today it's all about Max and this is my letter to my second born the prince in or home. The surprising blessing. 

Dear Max, 

It is hard for me to believe it has been a whole year that we have spent with you in our arms, yet I also have a hard time remembering  life with out you. You and your sister are light in our worlds you both love big and bring immense joy. You my Max, are a nice mix of strong will from mommy and stubborn will from Daddy. You chose the day you would be born, even though we were to be induced the day before. You made your appearance only slightly late but late enough to claim your own day. You seem to always make your own choices and ours as well. You are a very picky eater and only like 1 TV show and if you are mad or sad, someone should have that remote in their hand putting at the screen. 

Your birth day, just happened to be the first day The Kansas City Royals had played a game in the World Series since 1985 (the year I was born.). We called you our lucky baseball baby. Even though they didn't win in the 7th game of that series, we are very close to making it to the series again and you continue to carry the luck of the Irish.


You and your sister are so close in age that it has been hard for me to split my time evenly and I often thought one of you was getting way less of me when you were a young baby. You quickly learned to remedy that by demanding my attention. (This is trait that most definitely comes from me.) Your sister is patient and we have found ways to work it all out. 

Watching the bond you have with your big sister is probably the biggest blessing you have brought into our family. At first, you did not tolerate her well at all. I don't blame you, she was so enamored  by you that she would squeeze and pinch and sometimes bite. But as you became more mobile, she did too and we started to notice you entertaining each other. And it's really adorable and fun to see! 

Max, I want for you to be your own strong, confident, independent Man someday but I pray that you and your sister will always have a special bond. You came to us so close together, and I believe God knew exactly what he was doing. 

In other news you have started babbling a lot and Dada was your first word. Which is ok with me, your dada is pretty cool. Mama followed after and now you are working on forming more. We think we have heard you say Nana and Tootles. Which brings me to your current obsession, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Hours and hours of this show. I know already that you are like your Aunt Meggie and will find ways to binge watch TV as soon as you can. For now, I will still try to persuade you with blocks and cars and books and ok, an occasional Hot Dog Dance. You love to dance, you and Charlotte both! You bounce to music and try to sing along. 

These days you are walking, slowly, very unsteady but walking. I am so proud of you. All of your milestones are big but even more awe inspiring to your Daddy and I. You can thank your incredible  sissy for that. She has taught us some amazing lessons about life and I can't wait for her to teach you too. And I know you will also teach and love and protect her In return. 

I want to quickly list my favorite 5 Maxisms. 

1. You give the best kisses open mouth followed by the muah sound. Please continue to kiss me. Even just on the cheek for as long as you can! 

2. You are a grunter and you often grunts at people and things that annoy you. (Kinda embarrassing at story time)

3. You already have a best friend Sam, and the only time You will eat solid foods  and climb stairs is when Sam is around. What's up with that?

4. You get so excited when the people you love enter a room. The ear to ear grin is pure magic for us. I wish I could bottle it and sell it as an antidepressant. 😉
5. You are still a cuddle bug and like to lay up against me when you feel tired or overwhelmed. You are a wild man and on the move almost all day but those few cuddle moments mmmm.

Max, I can't wait to see what this year brings you and us. I am sure it will be a lot of adventure and a lot of fresh vocabulary. I see running and falling and a lot of mommy and daddy chasing after you. I hope this year, you learn to help push Charlotte's wheelchair with us, and that you can help her learn some of the new words you will be able to say. I hope you will be able to slow down and appreciate her. She is your biggest fan. I hope you have some much fun being one. I know I will be having fun being your mommy! 

I never thought I would be a boy mom, but Max you have shown me how incredible the bond is between a mommy and her son. I will be here for you all the days of my life. And I will always be a safe place to land. You are made in God's image and he has plans to do immeasurably more than I could even ask or imagine. My heart over flows with love for you. 


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