Thursday, September 17, 2015

It Takes a Village part 1

An old African Proverb famously states that it takes a village to raise a child. And as a mother of two small children I say a big amen!! And as a mother of a child with special needs I shout a big AMEN! 

I realize that not all mothers are given villages. Some are even robbed of their child's father being available and to those women, you are brave and somehow a lot of you make a village out of yourself. I applaud you. 

I have been blessed with a pretty nice sized village and each member play a very important role in Charlotte's life. Today I want to honor two of those village members that went above and beyond to get Charlotte and I through a challenging day. 

Today was wheelchair day. It has been something we have been taking about for months and something Neal and I have had mixed emotions about. As we approached today I was getting really excited, I was daydreaming of Charlotte's  instant independence. Neal was worried she would become too dependent. Both emotions WAY too premature.

So this afternoon approached. Our Physical Therapist and our Occupational Therapist were here right on time. Max was napping. Charlotte was happy. The wheelchair and the wheelchair guy would be here any minute. Everything was going as planned. HA! Minutes pass...more minutes... Max woke up. Our PT called Wheelchair man, there has been a mix up. He is so sorry he will be here so soon (45 minutes.) PT is going to have to leave before he gets there. Panic is setting in, plans are changing. I look over at OT and she says she will stay. 

You see, she is an employed Occupational therapist that has been coming weekly since Charlotte was 7 or 8 months old. And whether she likes it or not she is a part of our village. She may be a paid part but we love her and she loves Charlotte so she is a part. She has talked me though many medical decisions with empathy and honesty. She researches MY child on her own time. She gets its! She is a special needs mom herself. Her presence and assistance when that wheelchair showed up and was not at all right for Charotte was more helpful and comforting than I could ever put into words. She helped make a plan for a different chair and helped us keep the wheels turning. Thank you Sheri! 

Another vital member of our village showed up today, even though I didn't ask him to check in on me. My dad. Charlotte's Oompah. He came over just to see how I was doing with the transition of having the wheelchair in our home. His presence was comforting. He stayed and helped with Max and quietly observed. If you know my dad, you know one of his gift is showing up. And when he does he has a spirit of comfort and peace. My dad has always come to the rescue for all of us. He cares so deeply and loves so wholy. My dad has a way of cheering me up and is a great conversationalist. I wonder where I get that from. Thank you Daddy! Love you! 

Tomorrow, we will have another wheelchair come and it will just be Neal and I when it arrives. But I know that all my online readers (village) will be praying and thinking of us as we start this new chapter. 

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